
March 14, 2011

internet or the facebook itself?

Assalamualaikum everyone . Oh hows your day ? i hope the word that coming out from your mouth is "GREAT" cause u're given presents called Holidays right ? I mean not all of you , the students maybe .

Hey im 19 ! im a student too . but-ah i dont have any holidays yet .

Okay so please , people should have understand it's a SCHOOL holidays , so lets get the end of this point , get it?

Yeah yeah whateverr +______+


Holidays ?

ada yang :
pergi bercuti
buat amal
duduk terperap depan komputer
sedang tido
sedang makan makan
sedang bersiap - siap *it's time for the wedding session yawww*
sedang main game
sedang carik pasal
sedang stalk orang
sedang baca blog orang lain
sedang mengupdate blog .

So the conclusion is banyak kan ? My point is , yang duduk terperap depan komputer . Not all of them doing the same thing . maybe some of them tengah siapkan folio *like i have to do it* , and the most is tengah ber-facebook . Okay kalau tengokkan sekarang , status semua macam ni . Internet macam siput , tak boleh slow lagi ke? Hahaha kadang kadang ke-si-yan pulak dekat siput jadi mangsa tapi takpe , siput reply "Tak tau pulak i seGLEM Edward Cullen" Haha.Okay u're making something out of the world Mimi . So puhleasee Stop .

Okay im one of them . One of them apa ? One of them yang salahkan internet sebab nak bukak Facebook lambat macam siput *Okay sekali lagi siput jadi famous* . And i knew the truth yang Facebook punca segala - galanya . Mungkin sekarang internet sedang pukul dinding dengan bantal sebab saya clash dengan dia *Okay looks like my status on Facebook* -.-

Saya pun sekarang macam takde hati nak bukak facebook

Perlu ke u mention benda ni , no one cares okayy Duhhhh

U sibuk .

I Sibuk ? I cakap the truth okay lagipun you cakap je tak on tapi i tengok wall penuh je you wall to wall dengan kawan you

That's according to my mood . Okay u sibuk sekali lagi , got nothing useful to do?

This is useful you know when i got the chance to stalk you .

okay semut pun taknak layan orang macam you .

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